Brúðkaupsdagar 5. - 15. mars 🥂 Giftingarhringar, trúlofunarhringar & brúðarskart á afslætti ✨ Tímabókanir á

Cypress + Fir - White Glaze Christmas Tree & Wooden Wick
Cypress + Fir - White Glaze Christmas Tree & Wooden Wick
Cypress + Fir - White Glaze Christmas Tree & Wooden Wick
Cypress + Fir - White Glaze Christmas Tree & Wooden Wick

Cypress + Fir - White Glaze Christmas Tree & Wooden Wick

Regular price
4.900 kr.
Sale price
3.500 kr.
Quantity must be 1 or more

White glazed ceramic vessel with Christmas tree pattern.

Cypress & Fir is a fine fragrance with notes of frosted fir needle, white eucalyptus, and crushed pine cone to bring the aroma of a fresh forest into your home.
