Terms & Conditions


Þessir skilmálar gilda um sölu á vöru og þjónustu mjöll til neytenda.

Skilmálarnir eru byggðir á lögum um neytendakaup og lögum um fjarsölu.


Seljandi er Mjöll ehf. kt. 670220-0950, VSK nr. 137123.

Starfsstöðvar félagsins eru í Ármúla 42 & Laugavegi 20.


Kaupandi getur skilað vöru keypt af seljanda innan 30 daga. Þá gefst honum möguleiki að velja nýja eða fengið hana endurgreidda. Varan þarf að vera í upprunalegu ástandi en við gerum ekki kröfu um að varan sé ónotuð.


Pantanir teljast skráðar þegar gengið hefur verið frá kaupum á vefverslun vörusala, mjoll.is

Kaupandi hefur rétt á að falla frá kaupum skv. lögum um neytendakaup, sjá nánar á www.neytendastofa.is


mjöll fer með allar persónuupplýsingar sem trúnaðarmál og eru þær einungis nýttar til að klára viðskipti. Engar persónuupplýsingar eru látnar í té þriðja aðila. 


Vörusali reynir að leysa öll viðskiptamál á einfaldan hátt. Komist kaupandi og seljandi ekki að niðurstöðu er kaupendum bent á kærunefnd vöru- og þjónustukaupa.


Mjöll ehf. 
Kt. 670220-0950
VAT no. 137123

Address: Ármúli 42 & Laugavegur 20
Email: mjoll@mjoll.is
Phone: +354 537 3400
All prices include VAT sales tax.

All orders are processed within two business days, unless otherwise stated in the product description or in the case of custom orders. For custom orders, the processing time will be discussed and agreed upon between mjöll and the customer.

Privacy policy

All personal information will be strictly confidential and will not be given or sold to a third party.

Governing law / Jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions are in accordance with Icelandic law.

Returns & Exchanges

You have the right to cancel an order within 30 days after receiving the product, whether the purchase was made online or in-store. Shipping & handling costs for exchanges are at the expense of the customer. 
More information: https://neytendastofa.is/neytendarettur/husgongu-og-fjarsala/

Custom & personalized orders are non refundable/exchangable.
Sale items are non refundable/exchangable.

We carefully inspect each piece of jewellery before it leaves our workshop and want all of our customers to be happy with their purchases.
Faulty products
If you do happen to receive a flawed or faulty product from us, you have the right to return the faulty item and receive another in the right condition or a seek a reimbursement. Please contact us at mjoll@mjoll.is and we will resolve the issue together. If we can not resolve the issue then you are welcome to file a complaint to the Consumers Complaints Committee, http://kvth.is
More information: https://neytendastofa.is/neytendarettur/skilarettur/

Shipping & Handling 

We ship our products worldwide from Reykjavík, Iceland.

All orders are processed within 2 business days, unless otherwise stated in the product description or in the case of custom orders. For custom orders, the processing time will be discussed and agreed upon between mjöll and the customer.

Please keep in mind that some of our products, such as most of our rings, are made to order and may therefore require a few extra processing days. Our made to order products are processed in the order in which they are received.

If in any cases pricing should differ between platforms, or you have been charged a wrong amount, then the advertised price tag counts.